I saw two little kids get this haircut to tease their dad on America's Funniest Home Videos once, and thought it was the best thing I had ever seen. It's been a dream of mine ever since.
I was Desmond's willing canvas. Zero nicks, although he got over-confident on the neck area (hot-dogging, really), and gave me a small raw patch. All in all, Des was in the zone, and the results speak for themselves.Have you ever seen a bigger astronomy book? Or a man more suited to leaf through its pages?
Like a little male-pattern baldness could ever get me down.
I had no idea how brilliant I looked from behind until I saw these pictures. During the haircut, Allen took the lead in the back, and his first clipper swipe made everyone laugh, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Never again will I doubt Allen's vision.
Can't beat tinfoil dinners at Vivian Park. There were loads of beautiful babes with us, but wouldn't you know it, they were off gathering kindling every time we started snapping pictures. We started late, and some kindly rangers moseyed over to let us know park curfew had come and gone. I kept quiet, and we like to think they let us stay because they saw the youngsters were in the able hands of a responsible chaperone/war veteran.
Can't beat tinfoil dinners at Vivian Park. There were loads of beautiful babes with us, but wouldn't you know it, they were off gathering kindling every time we started snapping pictures. We started late, and some kindly rangers moseyed over to let us know park curfew had come and gone. I kept quiet, and we like to think they let us stay because they saw the youngsters were in the able hands of a responsible chaperone/war veteran.