
Less Sabbaticals, More Drawrings in '09

Item the First: My blog sabbatical is o'er (thanks in part to Item the Third).
Item the Second: You can now access this blog at reichmanifesto.com. Neat, huh? Tell your friends.
Item the Third: I got me a Wacom Bamboo. That means at least 500% more crudely drawn (drawrn) pictures, like this one:

Rebekka said...
"so I think your bamboo thing is pretty cool but I just have to know - did you mean to write reichmanisto? Or was it supposed to be manifesto and there wasn't enough room? I was going to leave it alone but now it's just buggin me and I have to know. :) (BTW this is your maebe cousin, Bekki)"

Bekki, if you have to ask, you'll never get it. Actually I'm just a dummy, I have no idea where that phantom "fe" got to, and I hadn't noticed until just now, but I'm too lazy to fix it anyway.

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