
Salmagundi (it's a doozy)

"I'll take 'Moms' for 500, Alex."
"Considered by many to be the coolest mother in town, this mom shares her name with a red-breasted thrush."
"Yeah, who is Robin Reichman?"
No, Legolas, your eyes aren't cheated by some kind of spell. These are genuine Snuggies, gifted by our own sweet Mama Robin. They're incredible, and the reading light (batteries included) is without equal (by "without equal" I mean no other reading light has ever come into my possession as an accompanying gift to a blanket with sleeves). The Snuggie is marvelous. I'll admit, it's lack of shape doesn't lend itself well to standing up abruptly and cheering, as the commercial boasts, but for lounging purposes it can't be beat.

Here's some Daily Herald stuff:

And here's a how-to video I made for my class. It's valuable info, but it's kind of embarrassing, I shouldn't be allowed in front of cameras. That's why I chose print journalism.

And this is an outstanding article by Rick Reilly, a fellow Coloradan, I might add. Reilly's leaving Sports Illustrated was 99.3% of why I didn't renew my SI subscription last year.

This glitch happened to Moham and Des' "Blitz 2000" game a few weeks ago...

And Amy's hilarious 24 Fitness encounter reminded me of this treasure...

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