This really boggles my mind. A sno-cone server in a Wichita zoo accidentally (pronounced "AX-i-DENT-ully," like we don't really believe it) poured commercial degreaser onto the shaved ice instead of blue razzberry. That it happened is believable enough, I suppose (similar colors), but the fact that four people got sick from it is puzzling. That means they got past one bite! Unless they all took a giant chomp simultaneously, which is unlikely, it means they took enough bites to a) get sick, and b) distance themselves enough from the sno-hut that they couldn't say, "Hey, wait a minute, this isn't blue syrup, sir, can I have a new one?" spit it out, and prevent a repeat occurrence. To be fair, I've never tasted commercial degreaser, but I'll wager a whole jug of it that it doesn't taste like blue razzberry.
Here's the whole story on